As Fifty Shades of Grey celebrates its 1 year anniversary in publication, we wanted to celebrate!
S.E.R's Awesomness would like to invite everyone who loves this series to join in with us today to show your LOVE and support for E.L. James! Just tell us your story and how you came across the series and spruce up your comments with anything else you'd like to say. Keep reading, there will be a giveaway involved too!
Here are our congrats to E.L James from all of us ladies at S,E,R's Awesomness!
Elena-Best Wishes!
Here are our congrats to E.L James from all of us ladies at S,E,R's Awesomness!
Rhonda- Wow!
It's hard to believe it's already been a year
since E.L. James unleashed Fifty Shades of Grey on the world. Even
though I wasn't a reader of the fan fiction, I am proud to say I was
among the first few thousand to read the published version. ;) Mrs.
James Thank you for bringing Christian Grey into the world of FICTION, I
have enjoyed him immensely, not only the KINKY FUCKERY, but his story,
from the heartbreaking to the love he found in Anastasia, as well as
their journey. Congratulations on all of your success with this series! *blows kisses*
Grace- Cheers!
As a reader of fan fiction, I remember dropping everything
just to read the latest update from Icy. I also remember when she
announced that she had this huge opportunity to publish her story.
Happy Anniversary to Fifty Shades of Grey! It's so much fun watching
the world discover Christian and Ana's incredible story.
Congratulations, E.L. James!
"Fifty Shades Trilogy" was above and beyond amazing! I can't believe
just a year ago this novel was recommended to me and I have yet to fall
out of love with this series, including the characters. EL James did a
remarkable job putting together a great story line that's truly
unforgettable. My best wishes goes out to her and her future success.
Good Luck and wish her all the best!
I cant believe its been a year since Christian Grey came in to my life
*sniffs*. Its amazing how time flies. I remember when a friend said to me
‘You have to read this book, its amazing’ – I honestly
had nothing else to read at the time so delved into it and OMG! Christian Grey
and Anastasia just dug thier way so far and so fast into my heart that I haven't
been the same since. This is a trilogy that dumbfounds you. Its a series
that I still cant put into words how much I love it. People have their
opinions, and I too have mine and mine is that these books are beyond the realms
of awesomeness. Ms James is a true talent, and one that is more down to earth
and so deserving of her fame that has come from this series. I will be that
first screaming fan girl, if the books ever make it to that big screen. I
actually just the past weekend, sent a copy of all three books to my brother to
read, so its refreshing to know that even men are getting in on the Fifty Shades
hype. I bow down to Ms James, and her ability to handle not only the hype but
the drama that has attached itself to this series. Not many are as level headed
as her self – must be were Christian gets it from! LOL. CONGRATULATIONS Ms
James, Christian and Anastasia for coming this far – you eternally have my
support and NO#1 FAN GIRL STATUS!

I haven't read "Fifty
Shades of Grey" yet. But I've heard all the hype, many gushing about it
and raving reviews.The ladies here at S,E,R's Awesomness Loved it! I
Will read it someday. I'm proud of Ms James with her Fifty series,she's
made quite the impression with her romance novels (and erotica) and has
been noticed by many people! Forget the young adult novel era, now its
time for romance novels to conquest the book world! Okay, I'm halucinating.
congrats for the first anniversary of Fifty Shades series. I hope Ms
James will become more famous and will write many great books that'll
make her readers love to read it, like they enjoyed reading Fifty :)
Well we're not quite finished. If you'd like to hang out and read a few reviews, keep going. There will be a giveaway at the end of the post.
From: Rhonda W.
Subject: Fifty Shades of Grey
Date: September 26, 2011
To: E.L. James
Mrs. James
I have finished your novel, and while I’m aware that it was derived from fan fiction, I was a bit apprehensive about reading. It seems that all the shining reviews made me very curious, so I had to go with my gut and take the plunge. While I have read the books that this series was spawn from and loved them very much at the time, I have since moved on, as hand holding and kissing were just not enough… I wanted more. There were scenes, and lines from your book that made me think of that series, maybe it was because I knew ahead of time.
I don’t read much erotica because frankly, the story lines tend to be cheesy, and characters jump in the sack by page 2. Mrs. James, I really enjoyed this book, from the story, to the erotica. Which is possibly one of the best erotica books I have ever read. I heard Christian’s voice from the moment he put his hand in Ana’s and helped her to her feet after falling into his office. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved him. Throughout the book I kept thinking, “where do I sign?” ;-) I found that I liked Ana very much, I liked how she challenged Christian, and I enjoyed her inner dialog, her inner goddess had me cracking up. I liked how Christian tried to ease her into his world of BDSM, the little things that led up to the first encounter in the playroom. Christian was delicious, and I savored him thoroughly!
I’m glad I never read the fan fiction version of this story, because quite frankly, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much as I did Christian and Anastasia. Am I curious about it? Absolutely NOT! I love Fifty Shades of Grey just the way it is. I can't remember the last time I smiled this much while reading a book. Mrs. James, you have completely captivated me with this book, and I can’t wait to start the next one.
Rhonda W.
ABR, Ten fingers twitching
Subject: Fifty Shades of Grey
Date: September 26, 2011
To: E.L. James
Mrs. James
I have finished your novel, and while I’m aware that it was derived from fan fiction, I was a bit apprehensive about reading. It seems that all the shining reviews made me very curious, so I had to go with my gut and take the plunge. While I have read the books that this series was spawn from and loved them very much at the time, I have since moved on, as hand holding and kissing were just not enough… I wanted more. There were scenes, and lines from your book that made me think of that series, maybe it was because I knew ahead of time.
I don’t read much erotica because frankly, the story lines tend to be cheesy, and characters jump in the sack by page 2. Mrs. James, I really enjoyed this book, from the story, to the erotica. Which is possibly one of the best erotica books I have ever read. I heard Christian’s voice from the moment he put his hand in Ana’s and helped her to her feet after falling into his office. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved him. Throughout the book I kept thinking, “where do I sign?” ;-) I found that I liked Ana very much, I liked how she challenged Christian, and I enjoyed her inner dialog, her inner goddess had me cracking up. I liked how Christian tried to ease her into his world of BDSM, the little things that led up to the first encounter in the playroom. Christian was delicious, and I savored him thoroughly!
I’m glad I never read the fan fiction version of this story, because quite frankly, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much as I did Christian and Anastasia. Am I curious about it? Absolutely NOT! I love Fifty Shades of Grey just the way it is. I can't remember the last time I smiled this much while reading a book. Mrs. James, you have completely captivated me with this book, and I can’t wait to start the next one.
Rhonda W.
ABR, Ten fingers twitching
Grace's Review:
This is the second time I am reading this series. I read the fanfic
version a while ago. I was a huge fan of the story then. You guys
should all be so lucky to have the published version available now as it
was a PITA to wait for chapter updates!
E.L. James, I am still enjoying reading this story the second time around. It did take a while for me to get used to the names and the slight changes, but the overall heart of the your story is still present. I found myself being engrossed again in the lives of Christian and Ana. The first time I read your story I was as clueless as Ana when it came to the world Christian tries to introduce to her. Vanilla sex...what's that? I had the same reaction as Ana, LOL! Reading the contract Christian presents to Ana this time around, I am not as overwhelmed, but that's OK because I know where this story is heading. I have more knowledge of all the toys Christian wants to play with and use on Ana!
But really, I think what I love about Fifty Shades of Grey is the budding romance that develops outside the D/s relationship. Both Christian and Ana are not perfect, but they are willing to try in order to be together. The emails they send to one another are playful, honest and fun to read! I know book 1 ends in a huge cliffhanger, but keep reading! E.L. James will take you on a suspenseful and emotional roller coaster that will leave you ultimately satisfied at the end of the trilogy
E.L. James, I am still enjoying reading this story the second time around. It did take a while for me to get used to the names and the slight changes, but the overall heart of the your story is still present. I found myself being engrossed again in the lives of Christian and Ana. The first time I read your story I was as clueless as Ana when it came to the world Christian tries to introduce to her. Vanilla sex...what's that? I had the same reaction as Ana, LOL! Reading the contract Christian presents to Ana this time around, I am not as overwhelmed, but that's OK because I know where this story is heading. I have more knowledge of all the toys Christian wants to play with and use on Ana!
But really, I think what I love about Fifty Shades of Grey is the budding romance that develops outside the D/s relationship. Both Christian and Ana are not perfect, but they are willing to try in order to be together. The emails they send to one another are playful, honest and fun to read! I know book 1 ends in a huge cliffhanger, but keep reading! E.L. James will take you on a suspenseful and emotional roller coaster that will leave you ultimately satisfied at the end of the trilogy
Holly's Review
Let me start by saying.... Wow! Just Wow!!
This book is 5+ stars for me!! It is my favorite kind of story. You know what I mean...just so intense that the characters get so far under your skin that you can't stand to be away from them for any length of time? Well, that was me while reading this book, I couldn't concentrate to get anything done :)
There are a lot of reviews on this book, and obviously the majority love it, so I am simply going to explain some of the reasons that this story grabbed hold of my heart and wouldn't let go.
First, I am a total sucker for the tortured hero and you would be hard pressed to find a hero more tortured that our own beloved Christian Grey. That said, the fact that he is a gazillionaire at age 27 is nothing to shake a stick at! Christian's intensity and focus is what really captured me in all this, I keep having to remind myself how old he is. The chemistry between Anastasia & Christian is just off the friggin' charts, I swear at times I could feel it coming right off the pages, from the moment she 'fell' into his office!! :)
I really enjoyed the BDSM element, it wasn't necessarily heavy but intense, especially listening to Christian tell Ana that he WANTED to hurt her and why. When he said he had never had to explain it before and knew he wasn't explaining well just melted my heart. There is such a vulnerable, sweet boy underneath that gorgeous domineering man!
Obviously you can tell I am completely smitten with Christian, but let me tell you a little bit about why I completely love Ana too. Even though she is an innocent, oh and I mean really innocent, I can't help but love her fire! Yes, just like the rest of the female population she has fallen completely under Christian's spell but she is not willing to just submit to his every whim - She's feisty but conflicted, I love the emotion!!
Now, I could wax poetic about this book all day long but I will instead say if you haven't read this and you enjoy a read that will stay with you for days after you finish it then I cannot recommend this enough!! GO GET IT - RIGHT NOW!!! That's right, shouty capitals!! LOL - I myself finished this one and jumped right into Fifty Shades Darker because like I said, I can't get enough!! Soooo..... Laters baby!
This book is 5+ stars for me!! It is my favorite kind of story. You know what I mean...just so intense that the characters get so far under your skin that you can't stand to be away from them for any length of time? Well, that was me while reading this book, I couldn't concentrate to get anything done :)
There are a lot of reviews on this book, and obviously the majority love it, so I am simply going to explain some of the reasons that this story grabbed hold of my heart and wouldn't let go.
First, I am a total sucker for the tortured hero and you would be hard pressed to find a hero more tortured that our own beloved Christian Grey. That said, the fact that he is a gazillionaire at age 27 is nothing to shake a stick at! Christian's intensity and focus is what really captured me in all this, I keep having to remind myself how old he is. The chemistry between Anastasia & Christian is just off the friggin' charts, I swear at times I could feel it coming right off the pages, from the moment she 'fell' into his office!! :)
I really enjoyed the BDSM element, it wasn't necessarily heavy but intense, especially listening to Christian tell Ana that he WANTED to hurt her and why. When he said he had never had to explain it before and knew he wasn't explaining well just melted my heart. There is such a vulnerable, sweet boy underneath that gorgeous domineering man!
Obviously you can tell I am completely smitten with Christian, but let me tell you a little bit about why I completely love Ana too. Even though she is an innocent, oh and I mean really innocent, I can't help but love her fire! Yes, just like the rest of the female population she has fallen completely under Christian's spell but she is not willing to just submit to his every whim - She's feisty but conflicted, I love the emotion!!
Now, I could wax poetic about this book all day long but I will instead say if you haven't read this and you enjoy a read that will stay with you for days after you finish it then I cannot recommend this enough!! GO GET IT - RIGHT NOW!!! That's right, shouty capitals!! LOL - I myself finished this one and jumped right into Fifty Shades Darker because like I said, I can't get enough!! Soooo..... Laters baby!
Sam's previously posted review of Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James is kind enough to be giving away a signed copy of
Fifty Shades Freed!
One lucky winner will win this copy.
This is an international giveaway, WOOT WOOT!!
E.L. James is kind enough to be giving away a signed copy of
Fifty Shades Freed!
One lucky winner will win this copy.
This is an international giveaway, WOOT WOOT!!
I absolutely LOVED this trilogy, though I read and reviewed it just this month. I devoured every word and was consumed and obsessed with Christian and Ana from beginning to end. Simply AMAZING! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY E. L. and Fifty Shades! Thank you for such a dramatic and touching story. I truly hope you continue with Christian's POV. It would be brilliant!
happy anniversary E. L. James!I really loved these books... and I agree with BellaBunnell - it will be great if you continue with Christian's POV!
And thank you so much for the AMAZING giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! Have a wonderful day! :)
I love to win this one!! As you know I was one the last one to read the series (waiting for the audio) and Wow! I never imagined how much I would love them. I read your review of the first book and you enthusiasm really have me going, so the wait for the audio felt like forever.
I still ended up reading them also, so I wish I would have done it sooner.
Thanks girls!!!
Happy Birthday Fifty! How knew so much could happen in a year. Every time I see a mention of the story or the author (which is everywhere) I can't help but feel proud and all clappy for EL James and the amazing characters she created. Blow out that birthday candle hard! <3 Debra
I have not read any of this series yet. I have seen some really good reviews of the series and am happy that it has brought more readers to the erotic romance, especially those with BDSM stories.
Thanks for a great post and giveaway! I'm one of a very few who haven't read this book yet. I live under a
I have to admit when I first heard about the FSOG series I had no plans to read it. I'm not a fan of erotica or BDSM. But the more I heard about the books & how they were not like the usual BDSM/erotic type books the more my curiosity screamed at me to just read the damn books. OMG! I am so glad I did. I absolutely love the series. It's like an addiction. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. I devoured all 3 books in just 4-5 days. And I was sad when I finished. However I was happy with how the series ended. It was perfect. I still don't read erotica or BDSM but I'm so happy I read FSOG. Congratulations!
Yep, I'm curious about this whole series. Too many bloggers reviewing it has done me in. :)
Happy B-Day, Christian and Anna! I'm so glad that I had the experience to share in their world. And big thanks to Rhonda and the ladies for introducing me. :)
Wow, it's been a heck of a year! Best wishes to Fifty and Ms James.
I love this series. Ranks in the top 10 books/series. I have recommended to lots of others including both of my kids teachers, my best friend, and my boss. The boss and the best friend have now purchased their own books.
I learned some interesting stuff about BDSM. I heard about the first book and bought it. It sat for awhile and kept hearing great reviews about it and then the hype started. I picked up the first book and loved it. By far the 2nd book is my favorite, but love Christian and Ana and the whole gang. Thanks EL James and can't wait for your next book.
I can honestly say that I am one of the few who have not read the series yet and I would love a copy. Congratulations on this hit series and on your anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!
This series is freaking amazing, I am certain that they are my favourite books of the year, I don't think there will be any that will be able to top it :D
I agree with some of the other comments and think continuing with Christian's POV would be fantastic. Though I just want the series to continue period hehe
I would love to read "Fifty Shades of Grey" thank you. I have heard amazing things.
Love Fifty Shades! Now looking for my Christain!
Has a year flown by that quick? Happy Anniversary to 50! I'm hoping to read this series soon :)
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