Pamela Clare is one of the most awesome women out there, not just as a author and journalist, but as a person. She is hands down one of the most friendliest Authors I have ever met, and I think we have forged a special bond because she knows I'm thinking of leaving my husband to run away with her.
So before we start our interview, a HUGE thanks to Pamela Clare for taking time out of her ferociously busy schedule writing Romantic Suspense and Historical Romance to come chat to little ol' me.
And because I'm feeling uber generous, I'm going to give one lucky follower a chance to win a copy of Pamela Clare's, Breaking Point. Details at bottom of interview.
Out of all your characters from all of your books, who would you most like to have a dinner date with? Personally I’m going to have to go with Zach McBride (Breaking Point). After reading hot steamy scenes with Zach and Natalie, my husband found me on the floor dribbling in a catatonic state. It was rather embarrassing.
This is a very tough question to answer because, to be quite honest, I lust after all of my heroes and love all of the heroines. I would have a great time with any or all of them. Career wise, I have most in common with Kara. Spiritually, I'm on the same page as Kat and would love to do an inipi with her and Gabe. But you asked about a dinner date, not sweatlodge.
I guess I'll confess a bit of a weakness for Julian Darcangelo. I can't explain it. Maybe I just like his swagger.
Now, the moment I choose him, I want Marc instead, or Gabe or Zach. For my 18th birthday, I invited only men to the party — five of them, in fact. So a date with five guys feels pretty natural to me.
Tell the truth, do you ever write naked? I think a lot of Authors do but their too scared to admit it. I’ve have one Author confess so far. I’m trying to make this a revolution! Because I’m thinking that would be super hot.

Here's the solemn truth: No. I live in Colorado. In the winter, writing naked would be very chilly. In the summer, my younger son is home from college. He would not appreciate that. Typically in the winter, I write wearing my favorite silk nightgown and matching silk and cashmere bathrobe while sitting beneath a couple of blankets in front of my fireplace. It's sensual and makes me feel very comfortable. In the summer, I write wearing some kind of summery dress.
Are there any more books in the I team Series to come? If you say ‘No’ – I may in fact fall over and have a heart attack.
Are there any more books in the I team Series to come? If you say ‘No’ – I may in fact fall over and have a heart attack.
YES! There are. No heart attacks, please. Joaquin needs a book. Horny Holly's book is the one I'm saving for last. And there's whoever replaces Natalie. So three more books. But that's probably the end. I don't want the series to get old or tiring or jump the proverbial shark.
Have you ever killed off a character then regretted it?
Nope. I don't regret torturing characters, removing body parts or making them suffer in other ways, either. If you're too nice to your characters, they don't grow. Their emotion, both good and bad, is what makes the story feel real to people. And thus... Death, violence, mayhem...
Nope. I don't regret torturing characters, removing body parts or making them suffer in other ways, either. If you're too nice to your characters, they don't grow. Their emotion, both good and bad, is what makes the story feel real to people. And thus... Death, violence, mayhem...
Have you ever been in trouble with the Police?

I've never been arrested. But in the course of my job as an investigative reporter, I have had contact with the police that hasn't always been positive.
* While covering a protest in Washington, DC, in April 2000, I was struck with a night stick by a cop who didn't seem to notice the accredited press tags around my neck. A protester shouted, "Hey, he can't do that to you. You're media!" After I regained my balance, I looked him right in the eyes and said, "Obviously he doesn't give a shit." He was short. I'm tall. He was male. I'm female. I was wearing my gas mask (every journalist needs a good gas mask), and I guess he just assumed I was a protester who dared to be a tall woman and thus struck me. He didn't hit anyone else nearby. Strange. The only nice thing was that I fell to the side — he hit me really hard — and that knocked a prissy broadcast journalist onto her butt. That made it worth it.
* I drove my car into a coal mine while the drag line was running and took a bunch of photos while security guards with high-powered rifles ran in my direction. I was gone before they got to where I was. That was felony trespass. I was doing my job. They didn't catch me.
* While covering an American Indian protest in Denver, I was pulled off the street and away from the crowd by a cop with a high-powered rifle. I asked him if he planned to shoot me. He told me I had to stay back. Then he got distracted and I zipped back into the action again.
There are other interactions of this nature sprinkled through my career. I don't necessarily want to discuss them all publicly. Some day when I'm in a bar in Australia, I'll dish.
6. FINALLY! (yes I did say I would ask you five Q’s, but I’m sneaking in a 6 Th) – You have noticed in a lot of my reviews I mention leaving my husband and running away with you. Do you get a lot of people confessing their love in their reviews for you or am I the only freak of nature that finds your writing that fantastic that I’m contemplate leaving my marriage?

The first time I saw that I laughed out loud and thought how freaking fantastic that was. I do have readers who are very fond of me because of my writing. Some have asked for hugs. I've gotten lots of autograph requests. Some have professed deep affection and thanks. But I think you're the only one who has talked of leaving your husband for me.
I don't think that makes you weird. What I take from that is that really freaking love the books and the characters and feel personally touched by them. And because I work my arse off trying to craft stories that touch people personally, your words are very gratifying.
Thanks so much for giving my books a try and for inviting me to have this interview with you. It's been fun. I must say these are some of the most original questions I've ever been asked.
WOW! That was fantastic! You can see reviews for Pamela's, I team series by clicking on the links below:
Now for what you have all been waiting for.......
WOW! That was fantastic! You can see reviews for Pamela's, I team series by clicking on the links below:
Now for what you have all been waiting for.......
I will be giving away a Paper Back copy of Pamela Clare's, Breaking Point. Open to US, Canada and AUS.
To enter:
1.Be a follower
2.Fill out the form below
3.Leave a comment
Winner will be announced on the 10th September via email. Winner has 48hrs to contact, Sam. In the event that the winner has not made contact within the allotted time frame, another winner will be drawn. Winner will be randomly chosen using RANDOM.ORG.
Fantastic interview, ladies! But then, Pamela Clare interviews always are. So are smexy Sam interviews.
Thanks, dolls! :D
Love the interview. Pamela is on my 'authors I want to shag list'.
Love that lady to death.
Great job Sam.
That was great! When I saw the name Pamela Clare on my blog feed I instantly clicked. Writing naked, that is a thought that never ocurred to me before, now when I pick up a book I will always think, when this was written, was the author naked? :P
Sam, you are hilarious!! Those questions had me ROFLMAO! You take the cake (pun intended) on the most original author interview I have read to date. Pamela Clare's answers were exciting to read because you could tell she enjoyed your questions. Bravo!
Happy Reading & Blogging,
Bona Fide Reflections
Great interview. This is a new author for me and would love to win. Always looking for new books and authors to read. Love the cover of this book and would love to win and read it.
hahah, Sam. great interview! You always ask the naked while writing question. Let me ask you, were you naked while you were writing up this interview for Pamela? I think Pamela would have blushed if she knew this.
lova ya!
I wont enter contest because I have BP already :)
LOL!!!!!!!! Love the Review! I really thought Sam was yanking my chain when she told me she was gonna ask about that Nekkid question.I guess I should have known better! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annie I do believe she was semi-naked when writing these questions.hehehehehe......
Thanks Pamela for letting us interview you on our Blog,you're just as awesome as us! =D
Great interview!
I was curious what Pamela's answer would be to your question of her ever being arrested. I figured with her journalistic background she'd have some interesting and fun stories to tell. Boy, was I right.
Great interview Sam!!! I always love reading any interview Pamela gives, she is that freakin' amazing!
Don't enter me in the contest, I already have BP ♥
I think Horny Holly deserves her own book. She's a riot.
Thanks for the praise ladies but it was all Pamela. The woman is beyond amazing. A day in her life would be my dream.
Great interview and thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway and I have to say that I love your colors for the blog...bold and fun thanks lisapeters at yahoo dot com
Pamela Clare is one of my favorite authors and I loved reading this interview! How cool that she's survived some real life skirmishes with the police. Interesting she'd like to lunch with Julian. I'd take Marc Hunter!
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