How to join in:
-You should run a book blog that features and reviews mostly adult reads, some Y.A.’s are okay but 18 & over adult reads should be your majority.
-Make a separate post for the 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow on your blog.
-Copy the html for the button above and place it at the top of your post.
-List & answer the ‘Question of the Week.’
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It’s always nice to spread the 18 & Over Book Blog love!
Question of the Week:
Name your top five book boyfriends
Oh gee, there are just sooo many to choose from, but here we go:
- Zach from Breaking Point - YOWZA!
- Vinter from Simple Needs - Hellooo!! Prince Albert!
- Adrain from Vampire Academy. What can I say I have a thing for smart arses.
- Vishous from BDB - Cause well, its Vishous.
- Im going to go with Bones from Night Huntress. I love his accent.
There you have it, so who makes your BB list?
I haven't read Breaking Point but I have heard nothing but great things about it, I will have to give it a go!
I have a weakness for smart arses myself :P Nice choices.
Bones is a great choice! And I so so love Adrian. He is amazing. I am so glad he is getting his spin off. I am still mad at Rose for hurting him.
Thanks for following and stopping by. I am a new follower.
Shiiiiit!!! I forgot about Vinter! Wow. Much props for mentioning him.
Hmm....I'm seeing multiple V and Bones today ;)
Wit and Sin
I guess their just the perfecct boyfriend then, right? LOL
V is pretty hot, but Rhage tops my BDB boyfriend list. Gotta love The Beast! Thanks for participating!
Hahaha! I know, right? I had a hard time and as I have been stopping at all the other blogs I have been reminded of sooo many I forgot. Five is not nearly enough.
Hmm, some good choices here - I'm looking forward to meeting Bones as soon as I get deeper into my TBR list!
Sally @ Bibrary Book Lust
1.Mark St.Crow from : Bound to Please by: Lilli Feisty-My Fantasy Spanking Hero!
2.Wraith from : Demonica series by Larissa Ione-Indeed My Ecstasy Weapon.....
3.Lindsay from :Addicted by Charlotte Featherstone-My High,My Addiction
4.Tiago from: Storms Heart by Thea Harrison-My Alpha Badass...
Last but never the least and always my first:Barrons from:Dark Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning-My Ephoria! Purrrrrrrr............
Sorry,I feel like I'm late for school.LOL! Everyone got here before I did,Y'all put me too shame =P
Great Boyfriends! Sorry If I Snatched up Barrons LOL!!
I agree! Tons of hot book boyfriends. I would take a platter of them and disappear for a few months or more! ;)
Black Disaster Fairy
A World of Personality
Yay! Another V lover, that Brother is way too sexy for his own good!
And if I didn't narrow it down to 5 my list could of gone on forever, no lie. I'm talking huge silky tented harem here girl! lol
Hope you had a great weekend and thanks for participating!
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